- Het Curriculum Vit

The essay is a genre of intellectual creativity in which two components participate on an equal basis: erudition and imagination. It is a union of intellectual reflection and artistic feeling, a combination of abstraction and concreteness.
Essay write requires abstract thinking, the ability to isolate a topic, to conceptualize it and, at the same time, to make the topic informative, universal, and compelling. Informativeness is created by analytically dividing the chosen topic into many aspects, deepening and nuancing the approach, finding different angles of approach, and enriching the reasoning with various empirical arguments; universality is provided by the vertical theoretical level and contexts, the meaning of the topic; persuasiveness is artistic expression, intrigue of thought and directness of thought, a certain freedom of creative imagination.
Of course, the vividness of the essay also depends on the personality of the author. By contacting ultius , you can rest assured that all texts are written individually without templates.  The genre of essay is multidisciplinary, associative and open to different systems of meanings and requires good literary skills. The essay text is "lush," an art of intellectuals, a kind of self-expression by people of the academic world when they concretize what they care about. 
It is a reflection on philosophy, culture, literature, art, political ideas and problems, or a psychological introspection, when everyday phenomena are viewed more universally, when reflection emerges from everyday details, from psychological states, from the reflection of emotions.

This nature of the essay, the mechanisms of its impact associated with associative intellectual imagination, is both a strength (suggestiveness) and a weakness (ephemerality) of this genre. Essay texts do not become fiction, but as an intellectual phenomenon they sometimes disappear along with the problems of the time. 
Do essays live longer than the newspapers in which they are published? This statement is, of course, a kind of provocation that should provoke an essayist response. A few weeks ago we discussed this problem with edusson service editors, and it seemed to us that essayism had grown out of daily newspapers, but the situation began to change dramatically-the essay panel moved from newspapers and magazines to books: one after another, essays by our well-known authors appeared: G. G. Beresnevičius, M. Martinaitis, V. Juknaitė... By the way, G. Beresnevičius' On the Blade of Time - the whole edition was bought out, I think it will be the same with other books.

The essay genre is probably the most popular in the Lithuanian press at the moment. Thanks to new ideas, intellectual and psychological reflections, originality of expression, it begins to compete with fiction, and its relevance sometimes surpasses it and gets a quick resonance. It is resonant literature.

Many emotional and aesthetic experiences give the reader a "philosophy of everyday life," an essay of psychological openness that clearly meets the needs of human communication. The essay genre is very communicative in this respect, satisfying the needs of cultural social communication.

Essenic way of thinking also penetrates into fiction prose - the novel, the short story. This is especially true of the texts of H. Kunčius, J. Kunčinas, R. Gavelis. Others, on the contrary, move from the original work to the genre of essay, as if feeling the lack of influence of the fiction text on cultural life (M. Martinaitis. V. Juknaite). In this case the essay complements and compensates for fiction.

Isn't the essay today dominated by authors from the field of philosophy and cultural theory? These are the religious researcher G. Beresnevičius, the cultural scientist V. Rubavičius, whose essays are conceptually and thematically diverse, analyzing a very wide range of social and cultural life.

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How to choose a topic
Structure of the essay
My top 5 key points for writing a good essay
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Discussing tips for writing an essay

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